Students of the Chinese Language Department join the Summer Course in Guangxi University of Polytechnic


The delegation received the warm and enthusiastic welcome of the Teachers of the International Education Academy and the generous help of the volunteers, who were the school Chinese and Vietnamese students.

As soon as arrived in China, the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​were extremely excited to experience the life of international students themselves: living in hostels, eating meals at the cafeteria, and other daily activities such as strolling to the classroom in the large campus of the school, etc.

Students learn advanced Chinese lessons with native teachers, interacted with Chinese students, especially during the school hours of traditional culture and arts such as paper cutting, painting, tai chi, to name a few. Besides, they also visited many famous tourist spots in Liuzhou city such as Uncle Ho’s Memorial Center and the Center City planning exhibition, Industrial Museum, Liuzhou City Museum, Khai Nguyen Pagoda.

Not only in Liuzhou Chau, students also had the opportunity to experience the most famous city – Guilin. All of these experiences are memorable memories for teachers and students of Chinese Language, boosting enthusiasm and learning motivation for students. The Chinese Language group believes that the success of the trip can lay a firm foundation for the success for upcoming annual evnts, encouraging cooperation with many other Chinese universities.

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