“Scientific research methods, a compulsory subject, frightens most English-majored students.” said a lecturer who has been teaching and observing students struggling to cope with the demands of the subject’s requirements for years. According to those who had taken the course, the subject was indeed considered a trial of will and intelligence since it took so much of their time going over theoretical knowledge, researching, and reading many related studies. Besides, it also required students to do a lot of intensive reading and writing in order to conduct simple research in the target language. Consequently, it poses a threat to their GPA and has become a threatening challenge.
“Why do I need to learn this?”
Intentionally, the subject is indispensable within the curriculum. Hence, students gain beneficial outcomes in terms of learning.
Many studies have unveiled interesting facts about conducting research, which improves some skills related to numbers, calculation, math, and problem-solving abilities as well as mentally recovers and shields our memory. That is, students who are interested in research are capable of processing theories, concepts, and hypotheses well in their minds for a further and better understanding. Besides, research is the key to unlocking the doors of unanswered questions. Finding the answers will help students form positive thoughts which gradually build up in their minds with the belief that any knowledge is accessible if they dare to seek the truth.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, research prepares students for the future. Specifically, a business student knows how to set up plans and strategies that can be adapted to the demands of any particular project and marketplace. Students whose major is in teaching methodology will be able to identify the problems in the learning and teaching processes as well as discover or find out new ways to wipe out troublesome issuses. With the perspective of seeking out new knowledge, students benefit not only from the advantages mentioned but also from something more that awaits them with greater surprises and values.
Students! Let’s do research!

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