The internship periods are scheduled to start in a few months. The undergraduates who major Translation-Interpretation may express concerns about preparation before your internship and responsibilities during your internship. The piece of information will be somehow of use to you, and make you more confident when starting this important period.

  1. Pre- internship preparation
  • Seeking an internship institution: The Faculty of Foreign Language always encourages students to proactively find a place to act as interns in accordance with their wishes and aspirations. This facilitates the meticulous examination of the internship institutions. It is advisable that reputable companies/organizations with registered licenses be considered to undergo internships. The exploration of organizational structure, the sector and the size of the company/organization is preferred.
  • Application: You should note that there are a few companies that require a test or entrance exam to accept interns. You are asked to contact the in-charge person to submit the application and get information on the procedure of your application.
  • Support from the Faculty of Foreign Language: In case you fail to find an internship destination, the faculty will introduce you to some internship institution

–     Review translation and interpretation knowledge and skills: Recap what you have previously learned, practice translating some common documents such as personal records (resumes, identity cards, birth certificates….), blogs, articles, contracts, etc. that relevant to the sector of the company/organization. This will help you adapt to the working environment faster as well as adapt the new job easily.

  1. The responsibilities during the internship
    • Read the assigned material and study specialized terms;
    • Translate documents from the source language into the target language;
    • Assist with preparation and/or interpretation during the meeting;
    • Prepare subtitles for videos and online presentations when required;
    • Engage in proofreading of translated documents to ensure accuracy in grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
    • Edit the content but maintain the original format (eg fonts and structure), as required by the supervisor;
    • Use translation software proficiently;
    • Take responsibility for some common office work such as composing documents, printing, storing documents,

3.Notes during the internship

– Always be punctual: in a working environment, you are required to adhere to strict working hours.

– Always have a positive attitude, a strong sense of responsibility, and willingness to learn: attempt to complete tasks well and by the deadline. If any problems arise, you need to notify the manager in advance.

– Be friendly and build rapport with everyone.

– Be able to observe and adapt yourself to the current working culture.

Hope this piece of sharing will help you gain confidence in your internship!


By Ngoan Phạm

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