It all began when I tasted that black liquid.
Coffee, a popular drink made from roasted ground beans, can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Some like it hot, some love it cold, or some would add milk. Whatever the method, coffee lovers all share some common thoughts, such as keeping them awake or relieving stress.
What a magic! I have fallen in love with it since that day.
Honestly, the first cup of coffee that I had was not really the best one, and what I got from the first sip was just bitter and strong in flavor. Interestingly, I was quite fond of this drink since it awakened my curiosity and interest in terms of its flavor principles.
Regarding the flavors, there are no right answers since there are endless combinations of coffee that could be drunk with distinct aroma and taste. That is, each combination leads to a different taste experience that reflects the favorites and interests of the lovers. The right one is up to each individual to find out.
Latte, a coffee drink of Italian origin made with espresso and steamed milk, is my answer after years of seeking the right flavor for myself. Indeed, it satisfies my taste, my need for caffeine as well as providing me with enough energy for the whole active morning.
‘Conversational’ is another aspect that makes me love coffee. Believe it or not, conversations seem to go perfectly well in the setting of talking over coffee. Hence, it has become trendy in terms of dating, meeting, hanging out, etc. Thanks to coffee, I have had a lot of joy and happiness through many meaningful conversations, which somehow relieve me from hard working days or sorrows in life. Not only do I myself benefit from the talks over coffee, but this drink also helps others in the same shoes forget their sorrows in their daily life.

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