Climate change has been the most challenging problem that has ever faced humankind. Nevertheless, from some people’s perspective, the best solution to sustain the life of people through the drastic climate changes is to adapt to reduce the damage that it causes, rather than prevent it.
On the one hand, without both the authorities’ and the public’s full preparation for climate change, its impacts can be quite detrimental. There is no doubt that the intensity of climate change events is escalating. A clear example to illustrate this point is Hurricane Haiyan which struck the Philippines. After the destructive hurricane Haiyan, most of the Philippines’s building structures have been severely affected and its citizens are living without electricity and daily supply. Therefore, governments, local communities, and organizations concerning environmental protection must cooperate to upgrade facilities, and inform and educate people about the skills and knowledge required to survive the frequency of extreme weather events.
On the other hand, climate change prevention holds increasing importance to the future of our generation. It is an unavoidable truth that human causes climate change. Owing to human deforestation for agriculture or residency, and burning fossil fuels for energy, numerous natural habitat has vanished. This leads to global warming and rising sea levels, which are the key factors in the increasing appearance of natural disasters. If the climate crisis is not adequately addressed, more severe issues, such as food shortage, lack of accommodation, and housing will be imminent. Thus, not only governments must invent laws that regulate the level of carbon emissions of factories and vehicles, but companies must also invent the proper method to make production more environmentally friendly. Most importantly, the public must acknowledge the impacts of climate change for them to adjust their living standards in favor of the environment.
Therefore, owing to the emergency and the destructiveness of climate change, it is relatively urgent that governments and local authorities upgrade their facilities to ensure their stability if any natural disasters occur. Nevertheless, methods that involve preventing climate change are seriously required so that the continuity of these extreme climate change events would drop.

Nguyen Thi Hong

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