Factors Affecting Learner Autonomy in Tertiary Level

In the age of the Industrial Revolution, learner autonomy is considered to be one of the most important components of learning, which is recognized as a continual process. Independent language learners gain more than passive learners, according to a plethora of studies. Therefore, it is essential to understand the factors that motivate learner autonomy.
The growth of LA has been influenced by numerous variables, both favorably and unfavorably. These variables are divided into two groups for this study: internal factors and external factors.
Aspects of psychology, learning practices and techniques, constructivism, positivism, critical theory, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, developed skills and awareness, and critical theory are examples of internal elements. The surroundings, the tasks, and the teachers are examples of external variables.
Internal Factors
Aspects of Psychology
Recent research has shown that anxiety and personality qualities including motivation, inclinations, and attitudes might affect how independent a learner is. If a student thinks they are incapable of learning, they might not put in the required effort. They will therefore devote more time to their studies and almost certainly will establish learning objectives.
Learning Techniques and Habits
Students use a variety of learning tactics and have varying learning styles. They therefore believe that these study techniques and habits could either support or undermine students’ autonomy.
This kind of instruction places a high emphasis on the role that teachers play as information brokers. As a result, students will become passive recipients and lose the desire to create learning objectives or make choices. This prevents LA from developing because of the ongoing conflicts.
This method makes it easier for pupils to infer new information from what they already know. This method makes it easier for pupils to infer new information from what they already know. It was also encouraged for participants to make their own discoveries.
Theory of critical theory
Rather than attempting to understand and clarify things, the method promotes criticism and change. Instead of attempting to understand and clarify things, this promotes criticism and change. Students are able to learn on their own and develop original notions as a result. This gives students the opportunity to think about the subject from several perspectives, which may help them decide whether or not to pursue it further.
Mental techniques
They enable language learners to apply cognitive functions to language learning and include repetition, resourcefulness, translating, taking notes, deduction, contextualization, transferring, inference, and clarifying queries. After they have mastered the use of these tactics, learners become independent.
Metacognitive techniques
Among these strategies are preparation, consideration, observation, and assessment of an individual’s learning potential. People who are able to put these into practice show higher self-control, are more engaged and self-directed in their learning process, and this clearly demonstrates LA.
External Factors
The Instructors
Many academics think that teachers need do more than just communicate information in regular classroom settings in order to help improve LA. While it is possible for students to be self-regulated, this does not guarantee that they will do so without guidance from teachers. Instructors provide students the freedom to make their own decisions in addition to assisting them in defining learning objectives, selecting suitable learning resources, and other related tasks. Teachers should assume many roles, such as guide, resource, and facilitator, in order to support students’ increased independence. Additionally, when taught by a teacher who is passionate about teaching, the majority of EFL students show a greater enthusiasm in learning.
The Assignments
Completing tasks has a significant impact on LA, either positively or negatively. When students engage on engaging and challenging assignments, they will develop an increased level of intrinsic motivation. On the other side, boring assignments might make students lose motivation.
The Scene
LA is significantly impacted by environmental factors, including situational and social components. The social component of learning is influenced by friends, parents, siblings, relatives, and instructors, among others. Therefore, this social environment may facilitate student collaboration in the classroom. In a similar vein, students who feel connected to their peers are more motivated to learn since group projects allow members to exchange ideas, support one another, and inspire one another.

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